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Everything you can imagine, nature has already created.
Albert Einstein |
Promote an innovative global scientific research for the study of the linkage between Global Warming, pandemics and immunodeficiency. The study of human physiology connected to the physiology of Nature is important because from physiology we know that our organs and every single cell communicate with each other and with the brain. Thus the communication between other living beings (animals and plants) shows us that there is "an intelligence of Nature" similar to human consciousness.
- Our Foundation, starting from the study of the intoxication of the biosphere, the cause of all planetary emergencies, has conceived and established the "World Green Gaia's University", which in partnership with other university faculties, proposes to focus on biopsychosocial and environmental well-being for a sustainable biological and human ecology. By human ecology we mean the field of research for solutions to problems that arise as a result of the confrontation and interaction between man (and / or human societies) and the environment. The ambitious project is to make the neurons of the "earth system" work in unison. The purpose of World Green Gaia's University is to raise awareness among people and politicians on the fact that the Earth is sick and on the therapy to be implemented to cure it all together. We need a true ecological education that implies taking care of the environment, biodiversity, "human dignity and social justice" (Fritjof Capra) so that individual awareness is amplified to the point of feeling the protection of nature as the protection of one's own deeper and authentic identity and the safeguarding of equality and social justice as well as safeguarding the common natural resources.
The aim of World Green Gaia's University is a great training project for "Teachers for future" and "People for Planet", to prepare, thanks to teachers coming from the seven continents, social, cultural and health workers, administrators and politicians who would develop a global thinking and an ethical worldview and would become able to directly help the populations of the poorest countries.
Educate the new generations in human physiology and the health of our immune system together with the physiology and pathology of the climate and anthropogenic causes of Global Warming. Only by protecting the indissoluble links between health and the environment can we ensure the future of Gaia and future generations.
- Study the climate change (Global Warming) which unfortunately is now a tangible reality everywhere. The challenge to be taken up for the survival of the planet should be that of sustainable development and the transition to renewable energies and above all, to nuclear fusion. This challenge is no longer postponable, because we are consuming more than the planet is able to regenerate. To shorten the time needed to use nuclear fusion, adequate resources are needed: first of all people specialized in nuclear fusion engineering and then financial resources that could amount to 10% of world GDP in addition to 20% of the military spending of all nations which is worth over two trillion dollars.
To get an idea of what we are talking about, we can say that the salvation of the planet and humanity could be compared to the goal of a third world war that can only be won if the more than eight billion human beings constituted a single peaceful army, able to change its consumerist lifestyles, based on selfishness and ignorance of biology and to shred the anthropocene dollars that are leading the planet to self-destruction.
- Studying the "Ecopsychology" or “Psychology of Us” (Man-Nature) which closely connects the current environmental emergency with personal growth, to implement the individual transformation process that influences planetary events: learning to loving and caring for Gaia we can love and heal ourselves and vice versa. Ecopsychology therefore starts from the process of self-knowledge and openness to others, to move towards sharing with the surrounding world, placing the responsibility and creativity of each at the service of life and developing an authentic planetary consciousness.
The collective ecological unconscious is based on biophilia which is the innate predisposition to be empathic with nature and man, a source of inspiration for an environmental ethics based on the relationship between living creatures.
- To teach the basics of an innovative Green New Deal through Green Economy and a true social justice, in order to face both the climate and environmental crisis and the social crises that are also affecting rich countries due to the global failure of the capitalist model that it has overcome the limits of development, ignoring that everything that lives and breathes needs to be protected. The Green New Deal, in order not to remain just a set of good ideas, requires a total change of the economic, socio-political, ecological and global health systems. In this path, each developing state could become autonomous and use its own resources to help its poorer neighbors. Only in this way will all developing countries be allowed autonomous access to vaccines, drugs, food, drinking water and decent jobs.
- To disseminate our scientific research on racism in a widespread manner. Our book "The courage to invent the future" which received the commendation of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, scientifically explains that there are no races but only racists and that the melting pot is a universal value which ensures the survival and evolution of the human species. This is why we fight scientifically against any policy that raises walls and closes borders, supporting the policies of solidarity and integration that are committed to find the best energies of each human being who is unique and unrepeatable and can make his innovative contribution to the Human family.
- We would also like to prepare young people from an early age to face with altruism and optimism the great social issues of our time and to fight against the damages of the Anthropocene, which indicates the current epoch in the evolutionary history of the earth. The Anthropocene is the subject of interdisciplinary academic studies that analyze the meaning of human activities, their transformative impact on the entire planet system and the damage caused on environmental ecosystems. Unfortunately it has been discovered that man has taken the planet beyond its natural limits of regeneration and is no longer just a participant in life on the planet but a dominating and destructive force.
We would like to identify the tools and formulate projects to achieve true and lasting peace in the world and improve relations between peoples and continents.
For this we intend to plan Courses on Peace Education and Peaceful Conflict Resolution and trainings to become true "Peacemakers", starting from the explanation and understanding of the psychological and neuroscientific roots of intersubjectivity which is the innate motivational system of the Moral Self (the empathic relationship through mirror neurons, an Italian discovery) essential to the survival of the species, and of the brain mechanisms that supervise altruism and empathy in a continuous integration between scientific and humanistic culture.
In summary, our Foundation promotes the study of our immune system which is a perfect biological system.
We began asking ourselves how the immune system can not get sick or become immunosuppressed if we live in an environment polluted by toxins in the air, heavy metals and all petroleum derivatives present in industrial foods produced with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, preservatives and dyes.
Our Foundation, in the people of its founders, has already started an experiment to prevent immunodeficiency by studying the human microbiota. An important discovery of ours revealed how the biological alteration of the environment also intoxicates the human microbiome, which is the matrix of the immune system, favoring the spread of viruses and pandemics. We are experiencing it today, unfortunately, with the current Covid-19 pandemic which, due to its virulence, but, above all, to the acquired immunodeficiency of the great part of humanity, has traveled at the speed of a tsunami, from an ocean to another and from one continent to another, claiming countless victims.